Key points
Phyto-Salt Wrap - ARAVIA Organic's unique SPA slimming programme with instant effect. A complex of professional products with 10 bioactive extracts and balm salt combats swollen forms of cellulite, fatty deposits and congestion.
Pros and cons of the phyto-salt wrap
Opinions/feedback from cosmetologists
The effect is already visible after the first session, which is why we recommend it as an express treatment for quick results.
Opinion of reputable international sources on phyto-salt wraps
There is currently no freely available information on the research carried out on phyto-salt wraps.
The effect of a phyto-salt wrap:
- fast result
- cellulite reduction
- tissue lymph drainage
- metabolic start-up
- body remineralisation
- Detoxification and skin disinfection
- restoring water and mineral metabolism
- stimulation of the lymphatic system
- relaxation effect
- Damage to the skin
- Dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin rashes
- Diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, endocrine and lymphatic systems
- Any malignant neoplasms
- Metabolic disorders;
- Musculoskeletal disorders, arthritis;
- Fluid retention in the body;
- Muscle aches and pains;
- Dry, dehydrated skin;
- Signs of early ageing of the skin;
- Sleep disturbances, stress conditions, anxiety;
- Overweight;
- Cellulite.
Feedback from private users
I want to say straight away that I have never had any pits and bumps on my skin. I have an asthenic body type, I am tall and thin. I can't claim that ARAVIA Professional Organic "ANTI-CELLULITE INTENSIVE" gets rid of cellulite, but I can definitely say that it makes my skin look better! ARAVIA Professional Organic "ANTI-CELLULITE INTENSIVE" is an excellent product for the prevention of sagging and swelling, I think it's because of this effect that many people see the result, including me.
Instant effect:
Even after the first treatment, the skin is wonderfully moisturised, soft and smooth. After the wrap, you can of course immediately apply a firming body cream, but I don't do that. The wrap itself is more than enough care for my body.
The effect after a course of 10 treatments:
I don't have cellulite as such, so wraps are more of a preventative procedure in my case.
But the skin is definitely smoother, softer and more toned.
About the experience, in short, if it wasn't for the results from using it, I probably wouldn't have decided on 10 courses))
The wrap itself is a powerful artillery in the fight against cellulite and produces excellent results after a course of at least 10 treatments. The skin will be visibly firmer and cellulite will be significantly reduced. If necessary, the course can be repeated or you can simply use wraps to prevent cellulite and keep your skin toned.
But in combination with other treatments, yes. And if you also give up junk food, start moving more, take contrast showers and exercise, cellulite won't stand a chance.
I, for example, have 1-2 degree cellulite, but temporarily any exercise is forbidden due to a tailbone injury, but even in the absence of exercise I can see the effect.
I saw my first result after 4 wraps (I did them about 2 times a week)
I've never been particularly oily, so it's hard to tell if the fat has decreased, but it's definitely working on my orange peel! I'll do another course in the spring - the expiry date allows me to keep the product open for exactly a year))
The cost of the components for a phyto-salt wrap at home is on average 1,200 roubles. It is also worth bearing in mind that this treatment will cost you around 1,500-2,000 roubles in a salon.
PhytoGel contains bioactive extracts of: chestnut, Arabica green coffee, fucus, ivy, licorice, oak bark, arnica flowers, birch, mint and melissa. Bioactive extracts saturate the skin with essential micro and macro elements and vitamins, accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, enhance lipolysis and lymphatic drainage, tone vessels, have a detoxifying effect, brighten the skin and improve microrelief.
Balneotherapy salt contains bioactive components:
- Dead Sea salt,
- kelp,
- essential oils of juniper and raspberry,
- lemon and orange.
Bioactive components accelerate metabolic processes in the skin, reduce swelling, have anti-cellulite properties, promote weight loss, eliminate excess fluid, increase tone and firmness, have an immune-stimulating effect, have pronounced antioxidant activity, relaxing and relieving fatigue.
Before and after photos
Phyto-salt wrap reviews
The phyto-salt wrap procedure is popular not only with women, but also with men.
How the procedure is carried out
I stage. Application of Slim Phyto Gel
Active ingredients: extracts of chestnut, fucus, green coffee, arnica, birch, ivy, licorice, oak root, mint, melissa
The application of phyto gel with a variety of natural plant extracts is the starting point of the Aravia Organic programme. The product enhances the absorption of the mineral complex of the Dead Sea salt and serves as a catalyst for the effects of its active ingredients.
The gel's beneficial properties are as follows:
- The skin is saturated with essential micronutrients and macronutrients;
- Increased metabolic processes;
- Improving skin micro-relief;
- vascular toning;
- the removal of toxins.
One tablespoon (15 ml) of gel is sufficient for a complete wrap around the entire working area of the body. To enhance the effect, the product should be applied to the skin in an even layer, with gentle pressure to accelerate absorption. Despite its thick, dense texture, the gel absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving a film.
II stage. Application of Fit Mari Salt with anti-cellulite effect
Active ingredients: Dead Sea salt, micronised kelp, essential oils of juniper, orange, lemon and ravassara
In the second stage of the ARAVIA Organic Phyto-Salt Programme in Balneotherapy Salt. The product consists of Dead Sea salt, ground kelp powder and a complex of essential oils. Like the phytogel, the salt comes in a 500 ml bulk pack. The manufacturer has included a measuring spoon in the jar for easy measuring of the product.
The action of balneotherapy salt is aimed at:
- speeding up metabolic processes;
- the removal of swelling;
- anti-cellulite treatment and reduction of body volume;
- Immunostimulatory and antioxidant effects;
- Improving skin elasticity and firmness;
- achieving a relaxing effect.
The characteristic feature of Fit Mari Salt is its refreshing, bright and intense smell. It is achieved through the right composition and concentration of essential oils. It has also been scientifically proven that the effect of essential oils does not end with the creation of a pleasant fragrance. А
The active ingredients in the balneo salt enhance the effect of the anti-cellulite programme by increasing microcirculation and the breakdown of fat cells.
Apply phyto-salt to the whole body with massaging strokes and cover with a plastic sheet for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off under the shower.
The professional phyto-salt wrap is a unique programme that combines SPA body care and visible volume correction. The effect is already visible after the first session, which is why it can be recommended as an express treatment for quick results.