Cold wrap reviews from cosmetologists

Cold wrap reviews from cosmetologists
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User feedback
increases skin firmness, elasticity and elasticity
cleanses of waste, toxins
triggers the breakdown of the fat layer
relieves swelling
Possible allergic reactions

Key points

The cold wrap is one of the most effective treatments for cellulite. It is gentle on the skin, has a narrow range of contraindications and has a pronounced effect.

Most often, a cold wrap involves applying a composition to problem areas of the body.

Pros and cons of the cold wrap procedure

Pros and cons
increases skin firmness, elasticity and elasticity
relieves swelling
a preventive measure against varicose veins
improves metabolism
cleanses of waste, toxins
triggers the breakdown of the fat layer
Possible allergic reactions

Opinions/feedback from cosmetologists

In most cases, the cold wrap procedure is prescribed at the end of a comprehensive cellulite and body shaping treatment. It is used to prevent swelling during pregnancy, in the case of heavy and tired legs, in the complex treatment of vascular diseases and during rehabilitation after vein sclerosis.
The therapeutic wrap significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite, improves skin tone, helps restore skin elasticity, stimulates blood circulation and provides lymphatic drainage. The cellulite wrap also purifies the blood and reduces visible scars.

Opinion of reputable international sources on cold wraps

At the moment, there is no information in the public domain about the research carried out on cold wraps.


What is the main difference between a cold wrap and a hot wrap?
How does a cold wrap work?
Who should not have an anti-cellulite wrap?
Is training required?


The benefits of a cold wrap

Cold wraps are a great alternative to hot compresses and are used to combat cellulite.

Its effectiveness is due to the following points:

  • vasoconstriction;
  • Increased blood flow;
  • activation of metabolic processes.

All these effects are interlinked. For instance, vasoconstriction leads to an increase in the blood and lymph flow rate and stabilisation of the capillary mesh. Cold wrapping of the fluid - its amount in the interstitial space is reduced, edema is eliminated and body volume is reduced.

The increased blood flow improves the supply of nutrients to the subcutaneous tissue and skin, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibres and increases tissue turgor and elasticity.

The skin becomes smooth and beautiful, velvety to the touch, the figure becomes clearer. Stretch marks become less visible, scars become softer and more elastic.

With the lymph, the toxins present in the deep layers of the skin are removed from the body, reducing the activity of inflammatory processes. The active ingredients of the cold wrap penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layers, actively breaking down fat.

It is recommended to combine cold wraps with a healthy diet and moderate exercise to increase their effectiveness.

  • dermatological diseases
  • gynaecological abnormalities
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • allergic reaction to the ingredients of the formulation

If the skin has irritations, open wounds, unhealed stitches or other injuries, you should delay the application of the cold slimming wrap. It is also not recommended to apply the composition immediately after waxing or hair removal, as this may cause inflammation.

Side effects

Sometimes irritation and reddening of the skin occur after wrapping. The most common cause is hypersensitivity or improper use of the paste. The use of any anti-inflammatory cream is recommended.

Of course, wraps can be done at home as well as in a beauty salon. But in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to go to a salon or medical clinic for the procedure.

An experienced beautician will choose the right composition, determine the right number of sessions for the best effect and identify contraindications, if any. Courses of wraps rather than individual treatments will be most effective. A course consists of 10-15 treatments over one to two months.

Indications for cold wraps

Cold anti-cellulite wraps are indicated for those who want to get rid of cellulite, heavy legs, puffiness and improve body quality.

These treatments are indicated for those who spend a lot of time on their feet, walk a lot and often in high heels, suffer from swelling, pain and heaviness in the extremities.

Also, cold wraps are an excellent treatment for varicose veins and are less traumatic for the blood vessels than hot techniques, on the contrary, they stimulate them and narrow them down.

In addition, the cold wrap technique is an excellent preventive measure to help avoid the appearance of cellulite and excessive weight.

A cold anti-cellulite wrap for varicose veins is an excellent alternative to hot wraps, which are strictly contraindicated for vascular pathologies.

While hot wraps for varicose veins can worsen the vascular condition of the legs, cold wraps are not only harmless, but also make a difference to the veins.

Feedback from private users

Letique Cold Body Wrap with Laminaria & Peppermint - review
Of course no cellulite is going anywhere (I think all people are sensible and understand that), but you will feel the tightening effect immediately. Plus I feel nourished, I can't explain why, but you can even do without cream.

But I would still recommend complementary care products. The product is definitely worth your attention. The only thing that is embarrassing is the overpriced price.
Floresan Fitness Body Gel Mask for slimming "Ice Wrap" - reviews
The skin "after" is velvety and supple - very pleasant. But most importantly, the crease above the seam is now almost gone!

The result has been achieved in two months of diet, exercise and skin care. I know it's far from perfect... But it's ONLY TWO MONTHS! And the condition of my skin and the way it has tightened up is a pleasant shock to me.

I can't help but say that the most effective thing for me has been the regular use of a body scrub, which has really helped to make the stretch marks go down a lot...

Basically, the sow is slowly beginning to take on a woman's shape - the main thing is not to stop!
Natura Siberica Thalasso Body Wrap "Blue Lakes" cold anti-cellulite - reviews
I've lost a centimetre in a course of 10 wraps! The Natura Siberica Cold Wrap really boosts blood circulation and strengthens capillaries, evens out skin texture and suits me perfectly with venous networking!

I was still pleased with the result - the skin is definitely smoother and smoother, just not when squeezed! Sad it probably needs more drastic measures, although I don't know what else to add to my training and diet!

I've noticed that this wrap really does affect circulation and blood flow! I had a really big bruise after a workout that wouldn't go away, it was just a huge yellow spot that seemed to have settled for a month, and then after 4 wraps it was gone, I didn't even notice it right away!


The advantage of cold wraps is the relatively low price, both in Moscow and in the regions.


Wrap mixtures are made up of active and neutral ingredients. The active ingredients are substances that act in a certain way on the skin and the patient's body, while the neutral ingredients are the base used to achieve the desired consistency of the composition.

Treatments may contain various types of seaweed, therapeutic mud, clay, herbal ingredients, sea salt, honey, milk proteins and even spices, all of which have long been known to have a beneficial effect on the skin.

The high concentration of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the skin in the blends not only combats cellulite, reduces fat deposits and removes harmful substances from the body, but also provides an anti-stress, nerve-restoring effect.

The simultaneous cosmetic and soothing effects of wraps ensure that these treatments are as popular with women as they are with men.

Before and after photos

Cold wrap reviews

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The simultaneous cosmetic and soothing effects of wraps ensure that these treatments are as popular with women as they are with men.

How the procedure is carried out

The temperature of the cold wrap mixture should not exceed 20-25˚C. Modern cosmetology offers algae and blue clay as active ingredients. Sometimes additional ingredients are added to the mixture, which contribute to even greater cooling - mint, menthol.

The result is already visible after the first treatment, but a course of 12-15 sessions is required to consolidate it. Visits to the beautician are daily or every other day and in some cases the doctor prescribes cold wraps twice a week.


A cold cellulite wrap is much more effective if the skin is cleansed before it is applied. A coffee-based scrub with orange essential oil can be used for this purpose. This combination enhances the fat-breaking effect of the cold wrap.

It is also a good idea to rule out any contraindications during the preparatory phase (otherwise, the likelihood of unwanted side effects and complications increases dramatically) and to check the cost of a cold wrap.


After cleansing the skin, proceed directly to the cold wrap. The mixture is applied to the body in a 2-3 mm layer and the patient is wrapped in clingfilm one after the other. The procedure lasts between thirty minutes and one hour.

During this time, the active ingredients are activated under the film, actively penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin and producing a healing effect.

Rehabilitation period

After this time, the patient is offered a warm shower and rest for half an hour. He can then go home. It is strongly advised to avoid hypothermia, which minimises the result of the treatment.

Description of procedure

The cold wrap is a completely new offering in the field of cellulite control.

This is probably the most effective non-invasive (not involving penetration under the skin) treatment at the moment, which helps to eliminate fluid build-up in the body. The temperature at which the wrap is performed is 23 degrees.

In most cases, a cold wrap involves applying a composition to problem areas of the body.

This treatment works in several directions at once, namely it reduces fatigue, relaxes, helps to reduce swelling, and improves lymphatic drainage. Most cold wraps use clay, which has a detoxifying effect.

Another type of cold wrap is based on olive oil. The treatment best softens and moisturises the skin, while stimulating blood flow, eliminating toxins and waste from the subcutaneous layers and toning the skin in the best possible way. And, of course, it fights the main enemy of many women - the appearance of cellulite.

In addition to the ingredients listed above, additional ingredients can also be used for the wrap.

Peppermint or menthol in particular. It is with these that the very special feeling of coolness and freshness on the skin is achieved. A cold wrap is also called a cryo-wrap or ice wrap.


The dosed cooling of the body is a powerful stimulant of its biological processes of cleansing and self-regulation. Exposing the skin surface to cold causes the pores, capillaries and blood vessels to shrink.

Skin contact with the cold environment triggers an active outflow of lymph from the tissues, transporting waste products and toxins to the kidneys and liver, where they are detoxified and eliminated from the body. The skin gets a welcome respite, regenerates and rejuvenates.

The cold wrap procedure takes place at room temperature, and the cooling effect is created by the methyl and peppermint ingredients in the mask. The cold treatment is localised, i.e. it is applied to a specific area of the body.

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