Key points
Laser correction of spider veins is a simple procedure that can get rid of unsightly blemishes with visible red blood vessels on the skin. Almost always the correction is effective for 100%, but in some cases the "stars" are only partially removed or reappear.
Pros and cons of the spider vein laser correction procedure
Opinions/feedback from cosmetologists
The treatment has minimal side effects, such as bruising, which disappear very quickly. After the treatment, you will be pleased with the excellent aesthetic effect and the absence of spider veins.
Opinion of reputable international sources on laser correction of spider veins
Small capillaries can in some cases be removed in just one treatment.
Thanks to the cooling nozzle, the procedure is as comfortable as possible for the patient.
High precision
The modern laser devices are highly precise and do not damage the skin tissue.
Session time
A session usually lasts no more than 20 minutes.
Asterisk removal can be performed on almost any area of the skin.
There is no risk of burns during the sessions. No scars or scars form after the treatment.
Despite the safety of laser vascular removal, the procedure has a number of contraindications.
Among them:
Pregnancy and the breastfeeding period
Oncological diseases
Sunburn less than 14 days before the procedure
Certain cardiovascular diseases
Infectious and inflammatory skin diseases
Venous insufficiency
Diabetes mellitus
Dilated vessels (more than 4 mm) to be removed.
Laser removal is indicated for the following pathologies:
persistent dilation of the subcutaneous vessels in the face, body and limbs;
pitting vascular defects;
progressive couperose;
rosacea (pink acne);
spider nevus;
hemangiomas and other pathologies.
Feedback from private users
I made up my mind. But I chose the wrong time. May. First and foremost! If you do laser removal - choose the winter months, so as not to go all summer in trousers or a long skirt. Because the blood vessels turn bright red at first, and then gradually they begin to heal and lighten. But this will happen very slowly.
I wore a long skirt/pants for a month. The blood vessels were slowly getting lighter and I couldn't help but hope that the scars would dissolve and the blood vessels would disappear.
I don't know why the laser treatment didn't work on my blood vessels. I didn't repeat the procedure and I doubt I will any time soon. Overall I was disappointed with the procedure. At 2 months post treatment the vessels are even more defined and pronounced than before. Price is not insignificant, the effect is questionable, in my case, almost non-existent.
As a result, I still have the vasculature, much to my regret. It couldn't be removed by laser.
I've had my 5th and 6th treatments and I'm stopping there because I'm pregnant))) and I'm now contraindicated for these treatments.
Here's a photo before the first treatment and after the 6th..:
Within two weeks, the mesh of the vessels disappears, those that did not immediately succumb and turn burgundy. Then you can go for correction.
After three sessions - on the 70% the treatments gave positive results. But not exactly perfect. From my notes, it's a good idea to remove spider veins regularly. On the face in winter and on the legs in early spring to prepare for open clothing.
I have very fair skin, the veins are very translucent. Some of the little stars disappeared right away before my eyes, but some turned purple and resolved within 10 days.
The cost of any procedure performed using laser technology is usually high, due to the need for imported equipment and staff training.
To make the price of the treatment more affordable, the calculation is based on the surface area to be treated.
To ensure that services are affordable, clinics often run promotions that involve bargain prices for procedures. By checking the website more often, they can also be carried out at a more affordable price.
Methods of removing spider veins
- Sclerotherapy. Vessels are glued together by the use of special sclerosant preparations. These are injected.
- Electrocoagulation. Under the influence of high-frequency current, the walls of the vessels are cauterised.
- Radiowave method - Non-contact cutting of soft tissue and subsequent coagulation of the vessels.
- Ozone therapy. The method is similar to sclerotherapy, but in this case, oxygen-ozone injections are made.
- Laser. The light energy is attracted by the haemoglobin in the blood. As a result, the blood vessels are sealed and the skin is not damaged.
- Pulsed light (photoflash).
- Sclerotherapy for spider veins
One of the most common treatments for spider veins. The method involves injecting a solution of teargasant into a vein with a fine needle. The drug enters the vein and affects the inner surface of the vessels, sticking them together. After about 1-2 months the stars disappear. The resulting scar is dissolved within a year.
- Advantages of the method. The advantage is that the procedure is less traumatic and easily tolerated.
- The disadvantages of the method. The disadvantages of the method include unpleasant effects such as redness and swelling of the treated area, and the need to wear compression bandages or stockings for some time after the treatment
This method is predominantly used for the removal of spider veins on the legs. Sclerotherapy is particularly effective for venous spider veins, while capillary vascular changes are virtually unaffected by it
- Laser removal of spider veins
The laser method of removing spider veins is the most popular method today. The method is based on the use of a laser beam and its absorption by damaged blood vessels, which causes the vessels to fuse together. The laser emits light of a particular frequency, to which only the injured blood vessels react
- Advantages The method for removing spider veins with a laser. The method is completely painless. Results are immediately visible. No trauma to the skin or the surface to be treated. Removed asterisks will not return. There is no risk of damaging healthy skin tissue. Healing occurs without pain, swelling and formation of scars. For a number of vascular stars (not large), one procedure is sufficient. The speed of the procedure is high. No contact with healthy tissue
- Disadvantages the method of removing spider veins with a laser. For large spider veins, several treatments may be required. The method is contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactation and individual intolerance
- Electrocoagulation of spider veins
The method involves the local cauterisation of spider veins with a high-frequency current. A thin electrode is inserted into the damaged vessel, and a current is passed through the electrode and destroys the affected part of the vessel
- Advantages of the method. Quick and efficient procedure
- The disadvantages of the method. Extremely painful procedure. Possibility of burns, scars, pigmentation or depigmentation of the treated surface. Possibility of damage to healthy tissue. Not only are damaged vessels but also the skin itself can be damaged by an electric shock. This method is not suitable for removing spider veins on the face
- Ozone therapy for spider veins
The technique of ozone therapy is essentially the same as sclerotherapy. The method involves injecting an ozone-oxygen mixture into a vessel with a needle, which oxidises the walls of the vessel and then glues them together.
- Advantages of the method. This method does not cause burns, scars or age spots. There are no adverse reactions and it does not require long rehabilitation
- The disadvantages of the method. The procedure is quite uncomfortable. Several procedures may be needed to remove spider veins
Used for the removal of spider veins on the legs
- Radiowave removal of spider veins
The removal of spider veins is done in a non-contact manner. The method involves making a non-contact incision and then coagulating the vessels
- Advantages of the method. Painless. Healing takes place without pain, swelling and formation of any scars. The risk of damage to the surrounding tissue is minimal. In some cases, a single treatment is sufficient
- The disadvantages of the method. High cost. Only suitable for removal of small capillaries
Before and after photos
Correction of spider veins reviews by cosmetic surgeons
How the laser coagulation procedure is carried out
- Vascular removal on the face is most effective with laser sclerosis, as the result is already visible after the first session. The number of sessions depends on the area and type of lesion.
- The limit for a single session of laser removal of affected blood vessels on the face is 25-30 minutes. After the session, there will be slight redness on the skin, which disappears within half an hour. For longer redness, swelling and crusting, the doctor will recommend a local remedy, the use of which will relieve these minor side effects without any trace.
- The procedure does not require any special preparation for the patient, apart from the usual precautions before any facial cosmetic procedure: avoiding chemical peels, alcohol-based facial products, visiting the beach and solarium, saunas and baths.
- To improve contact, gel is applied to the patient's skin before the procedure and protective goggles are worn to prevent eye damage.
- Once the treatment is complete, you should observe practically the same precautions as before and use sunscreen.
- Nose rosacea can not only be a manifestation of internal diseases or alcohol abuse, but also a consequence of exposure to low temperatures and other atmospheric phenomena over a long period of time.
- Most commonly, telangiectasias affect the wings of the nose. The treatment takes between 5-25 minutes, depending on the area affected. Small areas can be treated with sustained therapeutic effect in a single session.
- At the end of the session, the skin area to be treated may be red or pale, but this should go away within half an hour.
Teleangiectasias on the legs are most often caused by circulatory diseases. It may take longer to remove them because the vessels are longer and larger in diameter.
Consultation with a phlebologist and allied specialists and parallel treatment of the underlying disease is a prerequisite before prescribing laser coagulation on the legs.
Removing spider veins is as much about treating the cause of the problem as it is about eliminating the cosmetic defect itself. A comprehensive treatment that addresses the various external factors will help you get rid of the problem quickly and as effectively as possible.
Doctors recommend treating spider veins as soon as the first signs are detected, when they are small and the treatment is short-lived and therefore more effective. Depending on the severity of the intracutaneous vascular manifestations, both laser techniques and modern injection techniques can be used in treatment.
One of the most popular methods of getting rid of telangiectasias is to remove them using an intradermal vascular laser.
It is a visually noticeable widening of the capillaries that appear as red or purple spiderwebs, dots or dashes on the surface of the skin. Spider veins, or telangiectasia, are most commonly found on the face (couperose) and legs. The pathology occurs in about 20-30% adults, with women predominating among the patients.
The appearance of spider veins is not always an indication of a serious disorder such as post-thrombotic or varicose veins.
However, this cosmetic defect can also cause psychological discomfort. This necessitates a consultation with a phlebologist and the treatment of spider veins with modern, safe methods.
The main causes of telangiectasias include:
- hereditary predisposition;
- hormonal disorders in women (pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives, gynaecological diseases);
- cardiovascular, liver and intestinal diseases;
- age-related reduction in the tone of the venous walls;
- impaired circulation due to standing work;
- Excessive physical activity (sports);
- High levels of heat (frequent use of a sunbed, sauna, etc.);
- overweight, etc.
Usually, the appearance of spider veins on the face and other parts of the body is not accompanied by pain and discomfort and therefore goes unnoticed. However, patients are advised to pay attention to their general well-being, heaviness in the legs, swelling and other symptoms that may accompany venous insufficiency.
Spider veins (or telangiectasia) are the result of dilated capillaries (the thin blood vessels responsible for the metabolic processes between tissues and blood). They can look like spider-like, tree-like or pitting lesions. Most commonly, spider veins appear on the cheeks, the wings of the nose and the legs. When they appear on the skin, this is the first signal to see a doctor and stop the pathological process.