Cellulite wrap reviews from cosmetologists

Cellulite wrap reviews from cosmetologists
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Expert feedback
User feedback
reduces the percentage of fatty deposits;
enriches the body with missing micro- and macronutrients;
Gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
tightens the dermis in problem areas.
Possible allergic reactions, redness

Key points

A traditional cellulite wrap is a spa treatment that aims to relieve stress, improve blood flow, remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate subcutaneous fat deposits, including cellulite.

The treatment uses algae, essential oils, chocolate, herbal extracts and more.

Pros and cons of the cellulite wrap procedure

Pros and cons
promotes tissue mineralisation;
enhances the lymphatic drainage effect;
activates blood circulation;
drains excess fluid from the body;
reduces the percentage of fatty deposits;
visibly reduces body volume;
enriches the body with missing micro- and macronutrients;
Gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
Increases the process of lipolysis - the breakdown of fat;
evens out the surface of the entire skin;
tightens the dermis in problem areas.
Possible allergic reactions, redness

Opinions/feedback from cosmetologists

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
For example, an algae wrap is the most effective treatment for flabby skin and orange peel. It is applied using a mask containing kelp, which is excellent for nourishing the skin and draining it of excess fluid. Honey and coffee masks are also among the most effective masks for cellulite wraps.
Galina Vladimirovna Boyko
Physiotherapist, MD, PhD
The problem of cellulite, strange as it may seem, is not only a problem for women, but also for men. But it is the beautiful half of humanity that suffers from this problem more often, and in addition, women always have a more pronounced appearance of the disease. What is the reason for this?

The answer is simple: compared to men, women's fat cells contain more alpha receptors, as a result of which fat locally accumulates in the thighs, abdomen in the form of lumpy skin (orange peel). To prevent and combat this aesthetic defect, a comprehensive approach is needed, including effective slimming wraps and underwater manual massage (hydromassage).
This technique is relatively new in cosmetology, but has already established itself as one of the best and most effective treatments for firming and tightening the skin.

Wrap procedures are recommended for women:

for those who want to get rid of the orange peel, cellulite effect;

For those who want to remove stretch marks and scars on their skin (including after childbirth);

who have excessive fat deposits in various parts of the body;

suffering from hyperkeratosis.

Opinion of authoritative sources on cellulite wraps

National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
A honey cellulite wrap is one of the most effective treatments around the world and is on every beauty salon's list of services.

Honey is a very active biological substance that contains many beneficial vitamins of different groups (A, B, C, E, H, K), as well as many minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, etc. useful for the body and skin. In addition, honey is quickly absorbed into the skin and therefore penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, good cleanses pores of toxins and toxins and saturates the skin with useful components. A honey wrap can be done at home, so it is not necessary to find time to visit a salon and spend money, which allows the procedure to remain cost-effective for all users.


What is a wrap?
Why does cellulite appear?


Benefits of cellulite wraps

Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous fatty tissue that leads to lymphatic stasis, fluid accumulation in the intercellular space and impaired skin nutrition. It most often appears on the thighs and buttocks, but in advanced cases it is found on the shins, abdomen and arms.

Anti-cellulite treatments with honey, clay, algae and other substances are used to combat cellulite.

They all contain biologically active molecules that activate the blood supply to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. As a result, their nutrition improves, fat cells in the most problematic areas are broken down, connective-tissue walls become less dense and the skin becomes smoother. Anti-cellulite wraps are an excellent way to improve the contours of your body.

In addition, an effective anti-cellulite wrap helps to normalise the capillary wall. Their permeability is reduced, fluid is retained in the blood and lymphatic stream, and that present in the interstitial space is redistributed and excreted. As a result, the swelling disappears and the volume decreases.

Due to improved nutrition, the skin's metabolic processes improve, the amount of bound moisture increases, and it becomes firmer and more elastic.

An anti-cellulite wrap can be hot or cold. For the former, the ingredients are prepared in a steam bath and the temperature of the mixture reaches 45˚C. The hot anti-cellulite wrap is mainly used for slimming purposes. As a result of heating, the pores are actively opened, which accelerates the removal of toxins and the breakdown of fat.

A cold anti-cellulite wrap makes the skin smoother, improves firmness and elasticity and relieves muscle fatigue.

Modern beauty salons also offer a two-phase anti-cellulite treatment. In the beginning, a hot preparation is applied. It activates the metabolic processes that are accompanied by the breakdown of fat and accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space. At the second stage, a cold anti-cellulite wrap is applied. It increases vascular tone, as a result of which blood flow increases, and the toxins and impurities formed after the hot anti-cellulite wrap are actively transported to the excretory organs - liver and kidneys.

After certain metabolic transformations, they are eliminated naturally. This anti-cellulite wrap combines the effects of cold and hot treatments.


Despite the benefits, there are also contraindications to the use of anti-cellulite masks due to their effect on lymphatic flow. All recommendations should be followed and it is essential to consult a doctor before going to the salon for a session.

The anti-cellulite wrap must not be applied if you are undergoing an anti-cellulite treatment:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. Beauty treatments should be avoided while you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as any external interference with the mother's body can have a negative impact on the baby's health.
  • Cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins. The anti-cellulite cream wrap procedure is accompanied by an increase in blood flow, which can cause vascular trauma.
  • Dermatological skin problems. Such manipulations can cause allergic reactions, as well as spreading the substance over large areas of the skin and worsening skin conditions with infectious diseases.
  • Renal failure. The procedure should not be performed because of the likelihood of severe lymphatic drainage in the body.
  • Lesions of the female genital system. Anti-cellulite cosmetics are often the cause of exacerbations in organ pathologies.
  • Cancer. Such exposures can not only make you feel worse, they can also lead to the growth of malignant growths.
Possible complications

The vast majority of patients who have had an anti-cellulite wrap give positive feedback and are happy with the results. They tolerate the anti-cellulite treatment well, without any discomfort. In very rare cases there may be complaints of breathlessness, palpitations, dizziness and weakness.

Anti-cellulite wraps may also be accompanied by symptoms indicating hypersensitivity to the active substance. In such situations, notify your doctor immediately about the sensations - he or she will decide on further tactics.

Indications for cellulite wraps

This technique is relatively new in cosmetology, but has already established itself as one of the best and most effective treatments for firming and tightening the skin.

Wrap procedures are recommended for women:

  • for those who want to get rid of the orange peel, cellulite effect;
  • For those who want to remove stretch marks and scars on their skin (including after childbirth);
  • who have excessive fat deposits in various parts of the body;
  • suffering from hyperkeratosis.

Feedback from private users

MODAMO Chocolate Anti-cellulite Cryo Wrap - review
The result, even after ONE treatment, was noticeable! The skin has a healthier complexion and looks tighter, which to me is very noticeable in a before/after comparison!

In addition, the skin is very smooth and soft, even supple. I think cellulite becomes even less pronounced, and what happens if you don't get lazy and do these wraps at least twice a week! It seems to me that you can achieve very cool results!

☝ One major downside is that the wrap BRAINS your pants! And they DO NOT REFUND! So you have to get some home-made underwear too, I've already got one pair of underwear for this treatment and once the jar is over, I won't feel bad about throwing them away.

MODAMO Chocolate Cryo Wrap → Very cool product with a pronounced effect after the first use, to be honest, I wasn't expecting anything obvious, but the effect amazed me, I love it, I recommend everyone without exception, at least as a preventive measure
Smoothness is greatly increased, the skin feels literally silky. This effect is immediately noticeable (after the first application). You want to touch it all the time, your hand just glides over the skin.

There is also an increase in density to the touch, but I can't say that my skin was very loose, so for my skin this effect was not very pronounced (at least the smoothness was more pronounced than the density).

I think the Sammy Beauty Anti-Cellulite Cold Body Wrap is great for fighting cellulite as well as improving my overall well-being during the hot season. Not only has it made my skin prettier, but it has also improved my quality of life by prolonging my activity and toning during the day (because in the heat I very quickly deteriorate and almost stop functioning like a normal person).
OZ! OrganicZone Cooling wrap with peppermint and eucalyptus - reviews
Anti-cellulite wrap OZ! OrganicZone Cooling Peppermint & Eucalyptus Wrap works, thanks to the menthol I can feel it. Except that it's too early to talk about any major changes yet. I've been doing the wrap for a little over a month.

So far, I can see that the skin is smoother and more pleasant to the touch. But it is essential to moisturise the skin after the treatment, and don't forget to exfoliate.

It is unlikely that a single wrap, without preparation and follow-up care, will work.

But on the other hand I have no visible cellulite, orange peel or anything like that.


When choosing a beauty salon for an anti-cellulite wrap, it is important to choose an establishment where the procedure will be performed by a qualified professional. The official websites of the clinics usually show the approximate price at which cellulite wraps are performed.

By consulting the information available, you can choose a doctor who is as suitable as possible.

What is included in anti-cellulite wraps

Anti-cellulite products usually contain basic ingredients:

  • Honey - nourishes the skin perfectly, saturating it with nutrients, contributes to the strength of the top layer of the skin. The natural ingredient triggers the detoxification of the entire body and ensures an effective anti-cellulite wrap.
  • Vinegar - Tones and activates the lipid breakdown mechanism, visibly tightens skin contours and combats age spots and imperfections.
  • Coffee - deeply cleanses and nourishes, visibly reduces swelling, helps normalise blood circulation and restores healthy colour.
  • Algae - regulates the body's water-salt balance, reduces body volume, saturates the skin with vital micro-nutrients, and produces natural skin components.

Specialists often suggest an anti-cellulite wrap with clay, which is a traditional cosmetic product used for body care. There are many varieties of cosmetic clay - blue, white and black - and they all have different effects on the skin.

But which one has the best anti-cellulite properties?

  1. Blue clay.

In cosmetology, blue clay is the first choice as it has proven to be hypoallergenic and safe. The Cambrian variety is the one used most often. It has excellent cosmetic properties, tightens and saturates the skin with minerals.

  1. Black clay.

This type leads to the process of lipolysis - the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Black clay is used as one of the main ingredients in anti-cellulite creams and masks, which actively affects the upper layers of the skin and, by penetrating the tissues, fights "orange peel".

  1. White clay.

Varieties of white clay are used to fight cellulite and break down fat specifically on the face. Its advantages are the absence of irritation and its versatility in application. The natural ingredients will ensure an effective anti-cellulite wrap treatment that will have a positive effect on your health.

All types of clay, when used professionally, contribute:

  • Slows down the skin ageing process.
  • Deep cleansing and improvement of the dermis, as well as penetration of all beneficial substances into the body tissues.
  • Removing caustic toxins and normalising the percentage of water in the skin.
  • The active ingredients in its composition trigger the process of lipolysis.
  • Mineralisation of the skin with beneficial elements.

Anti-cellulite products can be combined with oils for better results:

  1. Almond oil Helps to even out skin texture, remove visible imperfections, increase firmness and improve the appearance of the skin.
  2. A remarkable effect shows grape seed oilwhich removes seals on the skin and has an excellent anti-cellulite effect.
  3. Green coffee oil provides the best fat-burning effect, destroys stretch marks, evens out scars and makes the skin soft.
Types of anti-cellulite wraps

The beauty industry has traditionally distinguished between types of wraps:

  • Hot.
  • Cold.

It should be remembered that these treatments differ not only because of the temperatures, but also because of a number of serious restrictions on their use. For example, a hot wrap procedure for varicose veins can be replaced by a cold one.

  1. Hot anti-cellulite wrap.

Its main difference from cold is the increase in body temperature during the treatment. The blood vessels dilate and blood circulation increases where it is needed. With a hot anti-cellulite wrap at home, a pleasant feeling of warmth is felt all over the body.

The warming process removes excess fluid from the skin, reduces the density of fat deposits and smoothes out the skin relief. This wrap uses auxiliary substances, which increase friction:

  • Med.
  • Chocolate.
  • Sugar.
  • Coffee grounds.
  • Tincture of hot pepper.
  1. Cold anti-cellulite wrap.

Thanks to the low temperatures, the overall condition of the skin changes in an eye-catching way: it becomes firmer and has a healthy colour tone, puffiness is reduced, there is a glow and a pleasant velvety feel to it.

A cold wrap helps to constrict the blood vessels. The slower blood flow forces the liver and kidneys to rid the body of toxins, detoxifying it and speeding up the weight loss process. The anti-cellulite treatment fights "orange peel", gives the body a visible tone and emphasises the natural contours of the body.

The skin rejuvenation effect can be achieved:

  • Menthol.
  • Peppermint.

Before and after photos

Laminaria wrap reviews

11 12 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10


The problem of cellulite is, oddly enough, not only a problem for women, but also for men. It is also suitable for both sexes.

How the procedure is carried out

Doctor's consultation.

Identification of possible contraindications and recommendations for course and combination with other treatments.

Wrap procedure.

Depending on the type of wrap, the procedure is different. The bandage wrap, for example, uses special cotton bandages and medical gel. Thanks to the natural fabric used to make the bandage, there is no greenhouse effect during the treatment, so toxins and waste products escape and do not penetrate back into the pores.

Skin cleansing.

For hot wraps, a special thermal blanket is used to maintain the temperature required to activate the beneficial substances.

The body wrap procedure is a course procedure and therefore involves 8-15 sessions.

Description of procedure

Wrapping is a cosmetic procedure that involves wrapping problem areas with a special film or bandage to create a greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse effect activates blood circulation and enhances the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, resulting in the removal of toxins from the wrapped areas, achieving other effects planned by the wrapping technique.


An anti-cellulite wrap is a cosmetic treatment that aims to reduce the signs of cellulite on the skin and accelerate weight loss. The simplicity and effectiveness are the main advantages of this treatment.

With their help, you can not only improve the appearance of your skin, but also relax and rejuvenate.

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