Blepharoplasty reviews by cosmetic surgeons

Blepharoplasty reviews by cosmetic surgeons
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The swelling completely goes down.
The face looks younger and tighter.
The herniation of the lower and upper eyelids is eliminated.
Overhangs and folds of excess skin are removed.
The bags and dark circles under the eyes are eliminated.
Existence of contraindications
Possible complications after surgery

Key points

Blepharoplasty (upper and/or lower eyelid lift) is one of the most common plastic surgeries in the world. Eyelid surgery solves age-related and cosmetic problems around the eyes. Blepharoplasty is a localised and relatively easy procedure that not only has a wonderful rejuvenating effect on the area around the eyes, but also provides an overall impression of youthfulness.

An eyelid lift eliminates "tired" and frowning eyes, making the face look open, attractive and optimistic.

Pros and cons of the blepharoplasty procedure

The swelling completely goes down.
The local lymphatic supply and blood supply to the tissues is restored.
Blepharoplasty makes the eye look more open and fresh.
Signs of chronic fatigue disappear.
The face looks younger and tighter.
The herniation of the lower and upper eyelids is eliminated.
Overhangs and folds of excess skin are removed.
The bags and dark circles under the eyes are eliminated.
The lowered corners of the eyes are lifted.
Existence of contraindications
Possible complications after surgery

Types of blepharoplasty

Eyelid correction with blepharoplasty can be performed in several ways, depending on the indications for this plastic surgery.

Three main types can be distinguished:

  1. If the patient has overhanging eyelids and fat hernias, an upper blepharoplasty is used.
  2. Lower correction is performed if the person has bags under the eyes and puffiness.
  3. Circumferential plastic surgery is used in cases where it is necessary to completely change the incision and shape of the eyes. In this case, the procedure is performed on both the lower and upper eyelids.

Blepharoplasty reviews by cosmetic surgeons


Upper blepharoplasty is used when there are physiological characteristics such as skin overhangs and excessive fat. These defects not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but can also have a negative impact on vision, so surgery can also be prescribed for medical reasons.

Blepharoplasty reviews by cosmetic surgeons

Eyelid surgery is performed under local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia. A small incision of no more than 5 cm is made in the natural fold, and then excess fat and skin is surgically removed.

Remarkably, this kind of intervention leaves practically no marks, so you don't have to worry about scars and scars.


Lower eyelid correction is performed mainly for cosmetic purposes, i.e. to eliminate wrinkles, puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Such a blepharoplasty can be of two types:

  1. Transcutaneous. In this case, a small area in the area of the lower contour of the eyelashes is incised. Excess fatty tissue in the eyelid area is then removed, as well as the skin. The surgeon may perform a slight lift, which helps to smooth out small wrinkles.
  2. Transconjunctival. Manipulations are performed inside the eyelid, i.e. in its mucous membrane. The method has been successfully used to remove fat, but for sagging skin and other imperfections, it proves to be impractical.

Blepharoplasty reviews by cosmetic surgeons        


A circular eyelid correction is a more extensive procedure that can solve several problems at once. Thanks to its comprehensive approach, blepharoplasty is the best solution for people who have decided to significantly "rejuvenate" their appearance, as this procedure does indeed help to significantly slow down the natural ageing process.

The cost of this surgery is slightly higher than others, but it is the circular eyelid correction that has the most lasting effect.

Opinions/feedback from cosmetologists

Kobazev Victor Eduardovich
Chief Medical Officer. D. in Medicine. Certified specialist in surgery.
Blepharoplasty is most in demand among patients between the ages of 35 and 60. However, if there are indications for surgery earlier, e.g. due to the facial structure, it should not be postponed, as young patients (up to 35 years) may be offered a lighter version - transconjunctival blepharoplasty (without an external incision). Mature patients (over 60 years of age) can also be recommended for blepharoplasty and, if there are no contraindications, it is successfully performed.
Khmara Vladlena Valerievna
D. in Medicine. Certified specialist in surgery.
The average duration of the effect of blepharoplasty is 6-8 years, but it largely depends on general health, personality, lifestyle and skin care of the eyelids, and then the operation can be repeated. Easy rehabilitation, ability to quickly assess the result, and long-lasting results contribute to the growing popularity of this surgery.
Manturova Natalia Evgenievna
Chief freelance plastic surgeon, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
The most common reason for this procedure is age-related changes in the skin near the eyes, which lead to a deformity of the skin around the eyes. Problems with skin elasticity lead to drooping eyelids, which worsens the appearance. In addition, subcutaneous fatty tissue begins to grow, which also increases the strain on the muscles, and they can no longer do their job of holding a certain shape.
Oleg Leonidovich Nikitin
Head of the Plastic Surgery Department, MD, PhD, Golden Lancet Award winner, plastic surgeon
At the surgeon's discretion, a technique can be used to correct the eye incision, if this is necessary to enhance the overall effect of the surgery. In this case, the patient will be warned in advance about the need for additional correction affecting the appearance.
Aziyeva Azada Aziyevna
Plastic surgeon
Eyelid correction has a pronounced rejuvenating effect and improves the aesthetics of the face as a whole. The eyes seem to "open up", the heaviness in the eye disappears and the eye no longer looks tired. In addition, there is scientific evidence of a functional benefit: blephaproplasty reduces intraocular pressure and increases the angle of vision, which has been limited by overhanging upper eyelids.

Opinion of reputable international sources on blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, post-operative changes in patients' subjective difficulties
This is a retrospective sample of 3257 patients who underwent upper blepharoplasty (2904) or lower eyelid surgery (1452) between 2005 and 2015. Upper blepharoplasty (2904) or lower eyelid surgery (1452). Surgery was performed in all patients under local anaesthesia. Postoperative follow-up was planned for 3 weeks, 6 weeks and 3 months after surgery.

Over the last 5 years from 2010-2015 (A sample of 1817 patients), preoperative subjective complaints of patients were recorded during preoperative preparation. In particular, these were a feeling of heaviness, eyelid fatigue, increased lacrimation, and recurrent eyelid swelling.

The results obtained after evaluation of the patient's response confirm the positive effect not only on the aesthetic plane of the operation, but also that the operation will significantly and positively affect eyelid function and subjective sensation. The observed parameters improved in all patients. The greatest improvement in 3 months after the operation was observed on the upper eyelids: decrease of eyelid fatigue by 96,3%, decrease of lacrimation by 41,4%, disappearance of the recurrent eyelid edema on the lower eyelids by 94,2%. The analysis confirms the positive effect of blepharoplasty on the patient's subjective complaints on the objective aesthetic and functional parameters.
Complications of blepharoplasty
Postoperative complications of blepharoplasty range from skin changes to critical conditions that threaten vision. Some of them can be prevented by careful preoperative evaluation and surgical technique. If complications do occur, their significance can be reduced by appropriate treatment.

Complications during the first postoperative week include corneal abrasions and vision-threatening retrobulbar haemorrhage; the intermediate period (weeks 1 to 6) targets upper and lower eyelid malpositioning, strabismus, corneal exposure and epiphora; and late complications (>6 weeks) include changes in eyelid height and contour, as well as as asymmetry, scarring and persistent oedema.

The practicing aesthetic surgeon should be thoroughly aware of the possible complications of blepharoplasty surgery. This article discusses current concepts and related treatment strategies using the most recent and/or relevant peer-reviewed literature available.


What to do after an eyelid lift?
Does the shape of the eye change after surgery?
Do any visible scars remain?
How long do the results last?
Are there any age restrictions?
What kind of anaesthetic is used during the operation?
Who needs blepharoplasty?
How do you eliminate the sad-eye effect?
How is the operation carried out?
How do I prepare for surgery?
What is laser blepharoplasty?
When is it time for laser blepharoplasty?


Benefits of blepharoplasty

Often a minimal intervention is sufficient for an eyelid lift. In such cases, the operation is performed using a laser, and the post-operation rehabilitation does not exceed 1-2 weeks.

Laser eyelid surgery allows

  • perform a bloodless incision,
  • avoid the possibility of infection entering the wound,
  • to do very complicated manipulations,
  • reduce swelling during the recovery period,
  • perform both tightening and removal of excess fat and skin,
  • to shorten the recovery period as much as possible,
  • eliminate side effects altogether.

Laser blepharoplasty is as safe as possible. The procedure is performed using state-of-the-art, high-precision units. The bloodless incision heals quickly and does not inflame, as the risk of infection is reduced to a minimum.

The intervention has a long-lasting lifting effect. This allows you to permanently forget about wrinkles in the eye area, which are always a sign of age. It is also important that all scars are formed in areas that are not visible to others. This allows you to keep the operation a secret if you wish.

Contraindications to carrying out
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Oncological diseases
  • Severe medical conditions (the possibility of local anaesthesia is considered on a case-by-case basis after review by specialists)
  • Any acute conditions
  • Unhealed lesions and inflammation in the area of the proposed intervention
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Some eye diseases
  • Poor blood clotting
  • Tendency to keloidal scarring
  • HIV, AIDS, hepatitis
Side effects

Plastic surgery on the upper eyelids is 98 % without complications, but sometimes the appearance of some side effects:

  • Swelling - are considered a normal reaction to eyelid surgery. However, the persistence of swelling for a long time is a cause for concern. The main reason for this reaction is an individual intolerance to the medication that is injected into the eye after the operation. The swelling can also be caused by cardiovascular or renal problems.
  • Hematomas - In normal recovery, bruises will resolve within 7-10 days after surgery. If this condition persists for a longer period of time, a doctor should be consulted.
  • Development of infection - is possible if there is an underlying inflammatory process in the body or if the doctor's advice is not followed during the rehabilitation period. Antibiotics are used to treat the problem.
  • Seam discrepancy - is possible with excessive mimicry or after mechanical damage to the operated area.
  • Visible scars at soft tissue dissection sites - To avoid this problem, people prone to keloid scarring should not undergo blepharoplasty.
  • Inability to close the eyes completely (lagophthalmus) - if the problem does not disappear within 7-10 years of blepharoplasty, a second correction will be necessary. The main cause of the defect is a surgical error: the doctor has removed too much of the eyelid during the operation.
Indications for blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is performed when the upper eyelid overhangs low and obstructs vision, the eye looks permanently "tired" and the eyes tire quickly. As we age, the circular eye muscle weakens and leaks intraorbital fat, which causes swelling and bags.

A good rejuvenating effect is achieved when this tissue is removed.

And vice versa. If there is a lack of fatty tissue, a depression forms on the lower eyelid and the lacrimal furrow is pronounced. The surgery smoothes out this area. Facial blepharoplasty is also used in cases of genetic predisposition to a drooping eyelid, even at a young age, to achieve an open and bright look.

Feedback from private users

Upper blepharoplasty
I certainly recommend surgery, but only by professionals! You should also realise that this result will not last forever. I have no illusions and I expect to have it for at least 5 years, ideally 10. Then I will repeat the operation without any hesitation. Yes, it's not cheap, but it's worth it. We leave a lot more money in the shops. It is better to limit yourself in something, but have the surgery and be a happy and cheerful person. There is no need to be afraid of surgery, it is not scary or painful! Rehabilitation is easy and fairly quick.

Blepharoplasty reviews by cosmetic surgeons

Lower blepharoplasty
What can I say in the end. In my case, the cons clearly outweighed the dubious pros.
- hernias under the eyes have reduced in size
- Gone are the deep wrinkles
- Gone for a long time are the paint bags (now starting to show a little)
- The hernias have not disappeared on 100%
- There are severe dark bruises under the eyes
- Uneven scars appear and become increasingly obvious
- New expression lines cross vertically with scars when smiling
I can't blame the surgeon for all the woes, as I have seen examples of her really high quality work.
Her undoubted mistake was the unprofessional use of the laser and the resulting heavy scarring and actions that caused me to have dark bruises under my eyes.
I am willing to attribute my still-present under-eye hernias to my individual facial anatomy.
I won't discourage anyone from blepharoplasty, the vast majority of results after it are positive. Moreover, I don't rule out the possibility that I might see a plastic surgeon again in the future.
Naturally, in this case I will choose my doctor even more carefully and carefully, which I also recommend to you.
Circular Blepharoplasty
I am very happy with the result and am waiting for it to get even better! I have to wait about 2 months for the full picture. But even now, I'm so happy with my new eyes!) I can now draw my arrows and use my favourite glows and prisms)) Before, they just weren't visible because of the drooping eyelid.

So girls-boys, don't be afraid! Blepharoplasty is not scary. Yes, there are complications, but I purposely did not read any forums where they write about them. I set myself up to be positive. I wish you all the same!


The price of an eyelid plasty includes not only the work of the surgeon and anaesthetist, but also the cost of all the drugs used during the operation.

Before and after photos


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A sagging upper eyelid makes the eye look sullen and adds a few extra years to the face. In addition, the defect has a negative impact on eye health - over time, visual acuity begins to deteriorate.

This is why the operation is popular not only with mature patients, but also often with young girls and men.

How the procedure is carried out

Even though classic blepharoplasty, like laser blepharoplasty, involves minimal impact on the orbital membrane, a thorough examination and preparatory phase is still necessary.

Briefly about the process:

  1. The operation is performed within 1.5 hours in a hospital under local anaesthetic or intravenous sedation;
  2. The length of stay, depending on the patient's condition, does not exceed 12 hours;
  3. Pain, most often mild or absent;
  4. Some swelling and bruising may occur during the first period;
  5. You can leave the house after a few days;
  6. The stitches are removed after 5 to 6 days;
  7. During rehabilitation, you should reduce physical activity as much as possible.

The results of blepharoplasty are considered to be the most long-lasting in comparison with other operations in aesthetic medicine. After recovery, the condition of the skin around the eyes improves considerably.

Therapeutic lifting programmes and modeling complexes individually selected by surgeons and beauticians can be used to prolong the effect.

Features of the operation

Before an upper eyelid blepharoplasty procedure is performed, a preliminary diagnosis of the cause of the droop is made and then the method of surgical intervention is selected. Often an eyelid plasty is not enough, as the overhanging eyelid is caused by a "drooping" forehead and eyebrow line.

In this case, a forehead lift is necessary to achieve the desired result.

Eyelid plasty with removal of excess skin is considered a simple and minimally traumatic operation. It is particularly effective if the cause of the overhang is flabby skin without an accompanying drooping forehead. The incision is made in the eyelid crease, which makes it inconspicuous. The operation takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour. It can be performed under local or general anaesthesia.

In the case of hernias, fatty tissue is usually not removed, but distributed to form an aesthetic eye volume.

If there is a lack of tissue in the upper eyelid area, surgeons perform lipofilling - a fatty tissue transplant from the patient. This procedure allows for a permanent rejuvenation effect.


You will be able to go home almost immediately after the operation. You will be allowed to rest for a few days. The recovery period takes about 2 weeks. Patients are usually free from pain during this time.

The stitches are removed on day 4-7. The bruising and swelling lasts for about 10-15 days. You will gradually be able to assess the effect of the operation.

During the recovery period, you should not wear lenses, drink alcohol, watch TV or work at a computer. It is not advisable to spend time in the sun or in bright light. You will be able to return to your normal lifestyle after 7-14 days.

A second operation won't be needed before 8-12 years from now.

Description of procedure
Blepharoplasty or eyelid plasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and herniation on the upper and/or lower eyelids. Eyelid plasty significantly reduces wrinkles and allows you to get rid of puffiness around the eyes. Eyelid surgery is statistically more commonly performed for the purpose of rejuvenation, but if desired, blepharoplasty can be used to correct the shape or incision of the eyes, for example to Europeanise the appearance.


Even an operation such as an eyelid plasty can't get rid of age-related changes forever. Over time, the body's physiological characteristics will "make themselves known" again. To preserve youthfulness and attractiveness for a long time, we recommend to give up alcohol and nicotine, stick to the rules of a healthy diet and try to always be in a good mood. After all, nothing makes a person look better than a sincere smile and a clear, open look.

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