Key points
Eyelid tightening with lipolytics is an effective method, as it is based on the burning of fats and their further conversion into acids. With this treatment, you can expect not only a slimmer face, but also a less puffy appearance, bruises under the eyes may disappear, eyelids will stop drooping, and crows feet and fine lines will disappear.
Pros and cons of the lipolytic injection procedure
Opinions/feedback from cosmetologists
Opinion of reputable international sources on lipolytics
At the moment, there is no information in the free sources about the studies carried out on lipolytic injections.
- Rapid effect in the form of normalised blood flow, restored metabolism and lipid metabolism.
- Ability to correct individual small areas, e.g. second chin.
- The treatments allow you to get rid of cellulite, reduce the fat layer by 5-6 cm, and improve the condition of your skin.
- Lipolytics can be used to reduce the volume of the abdomen, remove creases in the flanks and outline the waistline.
- Minimal rehabilitation period, no need to fall out of your routine for long periods.
On the downside, it is painful and there is a possibility of bruising.
Rejuvenation with this method is not possible in the presence of:
- Allergy to one or more of the ingredients;
- the presence of cancerous diseases;
- illness in the acute stage or the acute respiratory infections;
- HIV, hepatitis;
- kidney disease;
- herpes;
- Pregnancy and lactation.
- In most cases small haematomas, localised reddening of the skin and slight soreness of the skin and subcutaneous tissue where the lipolytic has been injected will remain at the injection site. All of these symptoms go away very quickly;
- There may be localised swelling on the face for 2-5 days;
- Allergic reactions cannot be ruled out, as with any treatment.
The indication for intralipolytic injection therapy with lipolytics is:
- Presence of localised fat deposits in any part of the body (popular correction areas: abdomen, hips, upper arms, waist, neck, cheeks, buttocks).
- Preventing the appearance of fat in problem areas.
- Elimination of cellulite.
- Correction of aesthetic flaws in the figure and face.
Feedback from private users
+ facial volume reduction
+ reduction of creases, "sagging"
+ skin tightens
+ the face doesn't look 'puffy', as with overfilling with hyaluronic acid
+ Lipolytics can be used to reduce the volume of your cheeks and even your nose
+ quick procedure
+ cheekbones become more pronounced
- painful feelings
- Restrictions (a couple of days without sauna, pool, gym, solarium, alcohol)
- Swelling in the morning and bruising at the puncture points may occur
- one procedure is often not enough
- price (1 treatment = 2,800 roubles)
- you need to keep in shape (if you lose at least 2 kg, your face will also lose weight and the effect of the injections will wear off, and you will have to repeat the course)
- the effect must be maintained (repeat the treatment once or twice a month)
- You can't get rid of wrinkles completely (at least not in my case)
I'm pleased with the result, and it warms my heart to know that I'm not "weighing down" my face, but rather I'm getting rid of the excess =) It's slimmer, the skin is tighter, the wrinkles have shrunk, BUT not completely gone. Perhaps I will still fill the nasolacrimal furrow with hyaluronic acid, just in a smaller dosage, because now I do not need the standard one.
After the second treatment, the effect was already evident. Photo taken after 3 treatments, in fact, the fourth treatment could have been avoided, there was no difference.
Now for the bad part. If you are not 18 years old, and moreover, as I am twice 18, you should understand that fat deposits will go away, but the skin, due to its weakness, will not tighten so dramatically and the face will float down. Ideally, after a course of lipolytics one should have a procedure of volumizing or contour plastic surgery, when fillers are used to fill up the lost volume in the right places (cheekbones, which give us visual youth) and by increasing the required places the whole face is lifted. In my case, there was too much excess and I decided to have a thread lift.
Now six months have passed after the course and the volume of my eyebrows is back by 50 per cent, although during that time I even lost weight, and the effect was promised as long as "do not get too fat". Then I learned that every 2 to 3 months it is desirable to make a maintenance injection of lipolytics, it is possible that the returned volume is the result of this error. But it should be noted that the fat lumps in the brow and chin have not returned, so I recommend the procedure, but with a good beautician who knows the injection points, good drugs for the face, with subsequent investment in contouring plastic.
And that second chin, you girl, is skin... it's not fat...
yo ma yo...
One treatment cost 700 hryvnias and had to be done once a week.
Yes, the cheeks have gone a bit and the face is thinner...
But that's not what I wanted.
My problem is my chin...
So I was just scammed for money.
How to tighten this skin, etc., everyone's hands are exchanged.
I put this beautician on a BS (by the way she is very popular, stars among her clients, etc.)
went to seek my fate with another doctor,
And then she opens my eyes and says - girl, you were born with a malformed jaw, no lipolytics can help you, you need either a plastic surgeon or orthodontist and braces... and then I fell out...
I thanked her and went to think about what to do about it all.
I've decided I'm going to get a chin implant, but I need to save up, approximately 2000$
The price depends on the product and the amount injected. The preparations are different: there are some that contain only 2 components that break down the fat cell and remove it. There are also preparations that also contain an antioxidant, which also affects the quality of the skin.
Preparations for intralipotherapy
The active ingredient in most lipolytics is lecithin. It is produced by the human liver and is involved in lipid metabolism, helping the body to break down fat. Lipolytics can be used as a stand alone product. They are often included in mesococktails together with vitamins, minerals, hyaluronic acid and other ingredients.
The complex composition makes it possible to fight several problems at the same time.
Today, pharmaceutical companies produce many different mesococktails with lipolytic components. The following are just a few that are widely used by cosmetologists and are noteworthy due to their high efficacy:
A complex product that has a lifting effect and reduces fatty deposits
- Composition: L-carnitine, caffeine, organic silicon and herbal ingredients (artichoke, Centella asiatica, Spikenard).
- The effectThe following benefits: activation of fat metabolism, stimulation of lipolysis, drainage effect, stimulation of collagen and hyaluronic acid production, normalisation of microcirculation and metabolic processes.
Contains two powerful lipolytic agents: 5% phosphatidylcholine and 2,4% deoxycholic acid. Used for the correction of localised fat deposits in various parts of the body and non-surgical removal of lipomas.
- Action: Increases the permeability of the fat cell membrane. Transforms solid fat into liquid fat and removes it from the body.
- Composition: deoxycholic acid sodium salt, L-galactose and D-galactose polymers, buffer systems.
- Principle of operation: destroys fat cells and activates the drainage functions of the lymphatic system.
- Composition: LipoBlok XP2 - a special patented complex of substances that reduces the size of the fat cell without destroying it and prevents the formation of new fat cells. Peptide Hexapeptide-17 - removes excess fluid from adipose tissue.
- The effect: regulates the metabolism of fatty tissue, blocks the emergence of new cells, prevents their enlargement. Does not damage the cell membrane.
- Composition: 3% dimethylaminoethanol,1% organic silicon, buffer solution.
- Action: stimulates the contraction of collagen fibres in the dermis, inducing a lifting effect and activating its production.
Before and after photos
Lipotherapy can be used to correct pseudogynecomastia, an enlargement of the mammary glands in obese men.
How the procedure is carried out
The use of lipolytics for body shaping is only possible after a consultation with a dermatocosmetologist and a detailed medical history of the patient. During the discussion, possible contraindications are identified and the indications for injections are determined. The doctor will also select the optimal mesococktail and determine its dosage.
Scheme of the manipulation:
- Anaesthetic gel with lidocaine is applied to the intended correction sites.
- The area is treated with a disinfectant solution.
- The lipolytic is injected into the area with a fine needle following a pre-determined pattern. Depending on the amount of work, 1 to 3 vials of the product may be required per treatment.
- Re-treatment with an antiseptic.
- Application of a regenerating cream.
Immediately after the treatment, the patient is given rest and a special drinking regime: 500 ml of water should be drunk within half an hour (to speed up the elimination of fat breakdown products from the body). The average duration of the procedure is 20 to 40 minutes.
For a long-lasting clinical effect, a course of treatments consisting of 5 to 8 sessions, 7 to 14 days apart, is necessary.
Advice after injectable liposuction
The rehabilitation period after the procedure is no more than 1 week. In some individual cases (skin that is too thin and superficial vessels), small bruises may remain from the injections. These do not require special treatment and will go away on their own within 2 to 3 days.
Post-injection liposuction is not recommended:
- wet the injection sites and apply cosmetics within 24 hours;
- For 10 days, go to the solarium and the sauna.
Your doctor will advise you to wear corrective underwear for a few days, eat a proper diet and limit your carbohydrate and fat intake.
Lipolytics and how they work
Lipogenesis (lipid synthesis) and lipolysis (breakdown of fat) are natural biological mechanisms that occur in the human body throughout life. Normally, they are carried out in a balanced way. Due to a number of circumstances, there can be failures in the system and lipogenesis begins to take precedence over the breakdown of fat tissue.
This imbalance leads to the deposition of fat cells and gradual obesity.
Which can lead to a build-up of fat in the body:
- an unbalanced diet;
- lack (reduction) of physical activity;
- a sedentary lifestyle;
- hormonal disorders;
- a decrease in metabolism due to natural ageing;
- Stress (increases the production of cortisol, which inhibits the breakdown of fat);
- diseases of organs and systems (pancreatic pathology, endocrine disorders, polycystic ovaries and others).
One of the methods used to combat hated weight gain is to inject lipolytics into problem areas. Lipolytics are drugs used in the beauty industry to help you lose weight without gruelling diets or exhausting workouts. Another problem they address is cellulite. Subcutaneous 'lumps' will be smoothed out and the skin will be smooth and taut.
The principle of action of the preparations is based on their subcutaneous injection into adipose tissue. The active ingredients stimulate the breakdown of fat, turning it into soluble fatty acids and glycerol, which enter the bloodstream and lymph, and are eliminated from the body naturally.
The treatment is called intralipotherapy. It can be used to get rid of localised fat deposits in the abdomen, hips and buttocks, to remove waistline, waistline creases, double chin, widow's hump and to get rid of "orange peel" on problem areas.
Lipolytic injections do not get rid of excess weight, they only work in the injection area, and allow you to perfect certain areas of the body.
Lymphatic drainage treatments (LPG, vacuum massage, etc.) are recommended on the third day after lipolytic injections to significantly enhance the clinical result of the lipotherapy procedure and rapidly eliminate the breakdown products of fat-triglycerides.