Massage for bags under the eyes (critical review) reviews by beauty therapists

Massage for bags under the eyes (critical review) reviews by beauty therapists
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complete non-invasiveness;
Improvement of skin tone and appearance;
elimination of swelling.
A large number of contraindications.

Key points

Massage is a full-blown therapeutic procedure that requires the practitioner to have a certain skill in working on the body's biologically active points and tissues. If performed negligently, the massage can even be harmful, and severely so.

Pros and cons of a massage for bags under the eyes

complete non-invasiveness;
voltage reset;
elimination of swelling;
Improvement of skin tone and appearance;
reduction of cellulite expression;
Combat physical and psycho-emotional stress.
A large number of contraindications.

Types of lymph drainage massage

In Moscow, you can find manual and machine lymph drainage massage, each of which is divided into several other types.

The manual method is a gentle action along the lymphatic outflow path (in the direction of movement). The intensity and area of the treatment depends on which particular process in the body must be activated:

  • The superficial technique aims to stimulate metabolic processes in the upper skin layers (dermis and epidermis);
  • Projection or internal exposure is necessary to stimulate the lymph nodes;
  • Deep massage aims to improve the outflow of lymph from internal tissues and organs.
  • Hardware procedures usually have the same cost as manual techniques because they help to solve similar problems. Their main advantage is that they are less time-consuming.
  • Vacuum method - special vessels are placed on the body under which the pressure is gradually reduced. This activates the release of excess fluid from the body.
  • Microcurrent drainage - the movement of lymph in the body is enhanced by low-power pulsed currents.
  • Pressotherapy - carried out with compressed air. It is used to reduce the volume of individual body parts: thighs, lower legs or arms.

Thanks to the variety of offers, you can choose any type of lymphatic drainage massage in Moscow. However, it is not the patient but his or her doctor who should choose the type of procedure. Only then can a positive effect be guaranteed.

Opinions/feedback from cosmetologists

Tatiana Viktorovna Semenova
A specialist in body shaping and massage
Facial lymphatic drainage massage is a pleasant and fast way to improve the skin's condition, get rid of wrinkles and facial muscle tension. The massage can help the lymphatic system work better and get rid of dark circles, bags under the eyes, swelling and puffiness in the morning. However, it is important that the treatment is carried out by an experienced masseur, who knows the anatomy of the face and the correct direction of the lymph flow.
Vera Vladimirovna Munaeva
Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
You can find home lymph drainage massage techniques for self-treatment on the internet. However, such procedures can be traumatic, as there are many nerve endings and fragile blood vessels on the face. Professional masseurs know the anatomy of the face and the pathways of lymph flow. If you massage the skin in the wrong places and directions, you can get bruises, lymph stagnation, bumps, rashes, new wrinkles and creases. Incorrect technique of lymphatic drainage increases swelling and pastosity of tissues.
Tatiana Andreevna Ilyina
Dermatovenerologist, MD, PhD
The treatments are performed to eliminate redness, improve the complexion and tone of the skin. Lymphatic drainage massage of the neck and face helps you to cope with blackheads, wrinkles and bags under the eyes. The skin looks and feels healthier.

Opinions from reputable international sources on massage for bags under the eyes

At the moment, there is no information in the free sources about the studies carried out on lipolytic injections.

Self-massage from "training manuals": what are the dangers?

Training videos and articles on facial massage are increasingly appearing in the media and on the internet. Lymphatic drainage massage is particularly popular. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people paying for revitonics programmes (manual treatment of the face and neck using osteopathic techniques). Not only are people prepared to pay a lot of money for such manipulations, but they are not at all concerned about what to expect after the procedure.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a powerful tool and should be performed with extreme care, gently and with knowledge of the exact location of the lymph nodes and vessels.

Once upon a time, women actively tried out vacuum massage on their thighs and abdomen, which is also performed using the "lymphatic drainage" principle. Needless to say, none of them saw any obvious results in the fight against cellulite, and almost all of them got vascular problems as a "gift"?

The Japanese Asahi massage is heavily promoted for bags under the eyes. 

The author's competence in the therapeutic field is widely questioned, the author's identity is obscure and there is little information about her professional biography in the media. However, why are girls and women so eager to watch videos of her massage and not afraid to test it on themselves?

Massage for bags under the eyes (critical review) reviews by beauty therapists

Are injections and surgery fundamentally unacceptable to you? Find an experienced beautician to give you a massage and to assess your overall problem.

Dear women, don't risk your health and beauty in the name of someone else's livelihood. The authors of such methods receive large sums of money from the "flock" without much concern for the fate of the people who buy the training programmes.

Lymph drainage massage

The lymphatic drainage massage is performed with a special device. A roller nozzle is applied to the problem areas. This speeds up the flow of lymph and accumulated fluid. The tissue is strengthened and enriched with oxygen and nutrients. The skin around the eyes is smoothed out and looks firmer.

Microcurrent therapy for bags under the eyes

The point of the procedure is to place spot electrodes through which an alternating current is delivered.

It affects:

  • all layers of the skin;
  • muscle;
  • vessels, including lymphatic vessels;
  • nerve endings.

After a session, tissue regeneration is activated and collagen production increases. The skin becomes firmer and firmer. The alternating current reduces the fat layer and helps to effectively combat hernias in their initial stages. The result is noticeable for about 2 years.


Is a combination with other treatments possible?
What is the point of a lymph massage?
Is it realistic to remove eyelid fat hernias with massage?


The benefits of a massage for bags under the eyes

Most clinics in Moscow, as elsewhere in the world, provide lymph drainage massage not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes.

The procedure presented helps:

  • Get rid of cellulite (called "orange peel");
  • Reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • Improve lymphatic outflow;
  • Reduce swelling in the arms, legs and face;
  • Remove the 'bags' under the eyes;
  • Increase the rate of cell regeneration;
  • Make your skin firmer and tighter;
  • Reduce wrinkles and skin folds;
  • Correct the contours of the body;
  • Stimulate the elimination of toxins and other harmful compounds accumulated in the body.
  • Cancer;
  • Abnormalities of the cardiovascular system;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • Damage to the skin in the area of the intended exposure;
  • Pregnancy period.
Indications for a massage for bags under the eyes

Lymph drainage is indicated for people with problems such as

  • severe swelling;
  • deterioration of skin quality in the form of flabbiness, dryness and discolouration;
  • Excessive fat deposits;
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • muscle hypotonicity;
  • an indistinct facial oval;
  • second chin;
  • wrinkles;
  • gravitational ptosis of the soft tissues.

A cosmetic surgeon should refer you for the procedure by identifying the problem, selecting the technique to be used and ruling out contraindications.

Feedback from private users

I found out about this procedure when I realised that I could only lose a lot of weight if I weighed 40kg, which was tantamount to death. I found a forum on the internet dedicated to facial massage and immediately decided to try this miracle on myself.
I had Zogan massage every day for 3 months, I only missed one week because of a runny nose. I only noticed significant changes after one month. The oval of my face tightened a lot, especially in the lower part. She had a bit of a double chin but it was gone after a month of massage. Swelling was gone, hence general slimming of the face. My cheekbones receded and the outline of my cheekbones appeared. My "favourite" bags under my eyes no longer appear, and if I have a salty meal before bed, a massage and a cup of strong coffee in the morning always saves me.
Zogan for the face is what I've been looking for for years, trying to figure out how to lose weight in my cheeks and generally make my face look thin. With my slimness, a full face always seemed out of place. But now I know exactly how to get rid of cheeks. A few moves a day and the perpetual puffiness is gone from my face.
The massage is very effective and works beautifully. It has a huge number of advantages. There may not be any negative effects. My mother and sister also do Asahi facials and they don't have any rashes. But when you start a course of massage, be prepared that something can go wrong.


The price of the treatment depends on the complexity of the patient's problem, the area to be treated and the chosen method of treatment. You can only find out the exact cost of a massage designed specifically for you after a personal consultation with your doctor.

Before and after photos

Massage for bags under the eyes (critical review)

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Men's skin is thicker than women's and has more collagen and elastin in it, so it ages more slowly. However, men's blood flow is more active and this is reflected in the area around the eyes, which has a dense network of capillaries responsible for local blood and lymphatic circulation.

Due to physiological characteristics, the periorbital area in men is more likely to accumulate fluid. This leads to frequent swelling. One conclusion: all rules for preventing puffiness and taking care of eyelid skin apply to men in the first place.

How the procedure is carried out

Before your lymphatic drainage massage session, cleanse your skin of impurities and drink a glass of warm clean water to restore the hydro-balance and prepare the lymphatic system for active circulation.

The masseur must have free access to the neck, collarbones, armpits, so it is best to wear a top or T-shirt that exposes these areas. These contain lymph nodes that carry lymph flow from the facial tissues, so these areas are also worked on.

For the treatment, lie on the couch in a comfortable position so that the back and neck are in a straight line. The masseur applies cream or oil to the skin, gradually warming the skin with gentle circular movements.

The technique for performing a lymphatic drainage massage is based on several rules:

  1. all movements go from the central part of the face to the periphery;
  2. The nose and neck are worked from bottom to top;
  3. The lower eyelid area is massaged from the cheekbones towards the bridge of the nose.

The movements are directed towards the main lymph nodes located in the neck, under the clavicles and in the armpits.

During the massage, it is important for the patient to monitor their condition and sensations. The skin exposure must not be excessive or painful, so that the fragile lymph vessels are not damaged.

At the end of the facial massage, rest for a few minutes and allow the soft tissues to recover. Then you can remove any remaining cream and drink some clean water again.

The frequency of the sessions depends on the patient's skin condition and the doctor's recommendations. A maximum of 3 sessions per week are carried out. One lymph drainage massage per week is sufficient to maintain the effect achieved.

Description of procedure

With facial massage, the question of master's professionalism is even more acute. Nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated on the face, and damaging them can lead to permanent loss of beauty.

For bags under the eyes, some beauticians offer manual techniques in combination with machines - vacuum, microcurrents, etc.

If the problem is swelling due to local lymphostasis and poor blood supply to the tissues, massage can slightly "boost" the circulation of bodily fluids. But in the case of fatty or dermal bags under the eyes, the effectiveness of the massage is reduced.

It is important to understand the cause of the bags under the eyes and only then choose a correction strategy.


Massages performed by professional hands can be good for prevention. If the problem already exists, however, it must be dealt with in a fundamentally different way.

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